Friday, 19 July 2019 12:35

Support for Montenegro’s EU membership continues

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović has received today on a farewell visit Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia Mr Mitja Močnik, thanking him for his contribution during his successful diplomatic mission to Podgorica, the strengthening of relations, and partnership cooperation between the two countries which foster traditional friendship.    

In the conversation, President Brajović emphasised the significance of the continuous deepening of parliamentary cooperation and once more thanked the Ambassador for the excellent organisation of his official visit to the Republic of Slovenia in the beginning of June 2019. In that context, they jointly voiced satisfaction with the intensifying of communication and cooperation witnessed lately on all levels by the two parliaments.

Thanking him for Slovenia’s precious support for the reform efforts of Montenegro and its European future, the President of Montenegrin Parliament voiced his conviction that that support would be even more pronounced in the period requiring strong endorsement of the enlargement policy aimed at ensuring permanent stability and development of Europe.

Ambassador Močnik voiced his satisfaction with the hospitality shown to him in Montenegro, as well as numerous friendships he had established in our country.  In the conversation, he especially highlighted the continuation of Slovenia’s support to Montenegro’s EU membership, especially bearing in mind that his forthcoming service in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia would be, among other things, related to the enlargement policy. 

