Saturday, 27 July 2019 15:28

Contribution of small European countries to cooperation and the unity of Europe

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, is paying a visit to the Principality of Monaco, upon the invitation of the President of the National Council, Stéphane Valeri.

At the meeting with the President of the Council, which was also attended by the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, José Badia, the importance of parliamentary cooperation was stressed both at the bilateral level and within the format of small European countries. President Brajović stressed that the cooperation between parliaments, being already of high level, will need to be further improved with new contents in line with the Framework Agreement of the two countries signed in 2013.

The President of the Parliament was the guest of the President of the National Council at the traditional charity dinner organised by the Red Cross of the Principality of Monaco.

During the meeting with the host of the evening, Prince Albert of Monaco, views were exchanged on the cooperation of the two countries, the economies of which have been primarily based on tourism. Prince Albert of Monaco, who recently visited Montenegro on the occasion of holding of the Games of the Small States of Europe, commended the exceptional organisation of the event and reiterated strong impressions on the beauty and potential of our country.

At the meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation of the Principality of Monaco, Mr Gilles Tonelli, the discussion centred around the importance of regular political dialogue for better mutual understanding and finding new models of cooperation, as well as further strengthening of friendly relations between the two countries of mutual interest. It is jointly estimated that small European countries contributed to the co-operation and unity of Europe. To this end, President Brajović stressed the commitment of Montenegro to further strengthening cooperation with small successful countries, exchange of experiences and knowledge, particularly in those areas where comparative advantages existed.

It was emphasised during all meetings that the excellent political relations of the two countries have been the basis for more intensive economic cooperation.

In his statement to the state television of Monaco, President Brajović emphasised, inter alia:

- "We organised the Games of the Small States of Europe this year in Montenegro, and Prince Albert made us greatly satisfied with his visit to Montenegro and by attending the opening of the Games. Today, we particularly spoke about the experiences in the functioning of parliaments of the Principality of Monaco and Montenegro, discussed the deepening of our parliamentary cooperation and, what is very important, we agreed about the joint appearance of small countries of Europe in international organisations. Great relations of ours, not only of the Principality of Monaco and Montenegro, but of other small European countries, show how much we can contribute to the overall development of European values and stability on our continent. It is therefore very important for our cooperation to be fully expressed. I express honest gratitude to Mr Stéphane Valeri for the organisation of this visit and for the cordial and warm welcome, and the overall atmosphere of my visit."

- "We have agreed to coordinate actions of our representatives who will meet regularly to discuss common interests and the protection thereof. I will visit Montenegro in 2020 with a delegation of entrepreneurs from Monaco. Montenegro is a beautiful country and I am confident that we can do useful things together on the economic front and thus encourage our investors to come to Montenegro and work with the aim of improvement of economic ties and cooperation with entrepreneurs from Montenegro. Also, I hope that we will be given the opportunity to host a delegation of Montenegrin entrepreneurs in Monaco in 2021," - said the President of the Council, Stéphane Valeri, in his statement.

pdfStatements Brajović - Valeri

Press statement of the President Brajović



Press statement - Stéphane Valeri



Video coverage - Monaco

