Thursday, 01 August 2019 15:16

President of Parliament opens Constituent Sitting of the newly elected Council of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, opened today the Constituent Sitting of the newly elected Agency for Prevention of Corruption. He expressed his expectation that the Council would work in responsible and professional manner and that it would, with great dedication, achieve the best results in the interest of the citizens of Montenegro.

"I believe that you are aware of the responsibility you assume as a member of the Council, and the fact that the focus of the public has significantly been on the work of the Council and the Agency for Prevention of Corruption itself. I am confident that with your professional and responsible work you will contribute for the Council and the Agency to meet the obligations that lie ahead, and those will be even more as we move closer towards the European Union," said the President Brajović.

In his introductory remarks, President Brajović reminded the members of the Council that the Parliament had taken all necessary prerequisites from its standpoint in order for the Council to be elected in the best possible way. He stressed that the Parliament of Montenegro and other competent institutions, as well as citizens would closely monitor the activities of the Council.

During the conversation, the interlocutors exchanged views on the future work of the Council of the Agency, based on the Law on Prevention of Corruption. Special emphasis was placed on the election of the President of the Council of the Agency and it was agreed that the election of the President should be made at the first following meeting of the Council with all of the members present.

The Parliament of Montenegro has elected Mr Gavrilo Čabarkapa, Mr Zlatko Vujović, Mr Momčilo Radulović, Ms Goranka Vučinić and Mr Rifat Hadrović as members of the Council of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption at the Tenth Sittin of the First Ordinary (Spring) Session in 2019.

Speech of the President



Video coverage - Constituent Sitting of the newly elected Council of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption



Press statement of the President Ivan Brajović

