Wednesday, 28 August 2019 13:55

German Bundestag gives support to the Parliament of Montenegro

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović has received today Ms Katja Leikert, deputy chairperson of MP Group of Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU) at the German parliament, along with her associates.

President Brajović emphasised Montenegro’s interest to constantly promote friendly relations and cooperation with the Federal Republic of Germany, while he especially noted the significance of strengthening economic relations. In that respect, he pointed out the significance of maintaining the current good dynamics of the political dialogue at the highest level, as well as the fact that intensifying parliamentary cooperation had a stimulating effect on the strengthening of the overall relations between the two countries.

During their conversation, the President of the Parliament of Montenegro informed his interlocutor about the domestic social and political developments, current situation in the region, and the work of the Parliament in particular. Highlighting the conviction that all parliamentary parties would show the necessary degree of accountability towards the citizens, he pointed out the significance of work of the parliamentary body for the reform of electoral and other legislation. In that context he reminded of the initiative of the ruling coalition and readiness to unconditionally work on the improvement of the electoral environment and strengthening of citizens’ trust in the electoral process.

Informing him that she was in charge of European issues in the MP Group of CDU/CSU, Deputy chairperson of MP Group of Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU) Ms Leikert pointed out that the focus of her work was the Western Balkans region. Agreeing with the assessment of President Brajović that the EU consolidation and enlargement were two complementary processes, she emphasised that they strongly supported the EU enlargement, especially to the countries that reflect stability such as Montenegro. MP Leikert reiterated the Bundestang’s support for the Parliament of Montenegro, pointing out that Montenegro had a strong ally in Germany.

Speaking about Montenegro being a significant partner, she voiced the interest in further strengthening of bilateral cooperation, especially in the field of energy.

During the meeting, which was also attended by the President of KAS for Serbia and Montenegro Mr Norbert Beckmann-Dierkes, they emphasised the significance of stronger affirmation of the EU enlargement policy with full observation of the regatta principle.

President of the Parliament receives a Bundestag member from CDU/CSU

