Wednesday, 04 September 2019 15:10

United States is a friend and a partner of Montenegro

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović today has met a delegation from the United States Congress, headed by Mr Lindsey Graham, Senator and Chairperson of the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary.

The interlocutors expressed mutual pleasure with the overall cooperation of Montenegro and the United States, achieved through continuous development of bilateral relations and relations within NATO. 

During the conversation, President Brajović expressed gratitude for the strong support of the US Congress in achieving key foreign-policy priorities of Montenegro, which is a further confirmation of friendship and strategic partnership. He also touched upon the significance of numerous legislative initiatives launched by US Congress and ultimately aimed at affirming Montenegro's NATO membership.

 “I am pleased that our interlocutors' assessment is that Montenegro is a leader in the region, a responsible NATO member, and in the future - a responsible member of the European Union. Meetings like this one, as well as top level contacts should be as intense and frequent as possible, because it is a great pleasure for Montenegro to have the United States as its ally”, President Brajović said. 

The Speaker informed the interlocutors of the current political situation and economic situation in the country. In doing so, he emphasised the importance of further work of the parliamentary Committee on Comprehensive Reform of Electoral and Other Legislation and expressed his belief that all MPs would show the necessary degree of responsibility towards Montenegrin citizens.

Senator and Chairperson of the Committee on the Judiciary Mr Lindsey Graham stressed that Montenegro had made a good decision to join NATO, safeguarding thus the security of its citizens, adding that the Congress would continue to fully support the further strengthening of the rule of law and media freedoms ahead of Montenegro’s upcoming membership of the EU. He expressed expectation that the economic cooperation would be more intensive in the future, saying that he would try to convey a message to US investors to be more competitive.

“Consider the United States your partner and a friend, consider the United Stated Congress an ally. It is our hope that in 2020 you will prove to yourselves, Montenegrins and the world that democracy is here to stay forever”, Senator Graham concluded. 

The meeting was also attended by Vice President of the Parliament Mr Genci Nimanbegu and Ms Daliborka Pejović, MP.

President of the Parliament with the U.S. congressional delegation



Press statement by President Brajović



Press statement by Mr Lindsey Graham



Journalists' questions to President Ivan Brajović and Senator Lindsey Graham

