Thursday, 12 September 2019 11:42

The new convocation of the European Commission offers clear support to the enlargement policy

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, hosted today Mr Christian Danielsson, Director-General for European Neighbourhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations of the European Commission.

President Brajović informed the Delegation of the European Commission with the results of the present convocation of the Parliament so far, primarily pointing out the efforts of the ruling majority as for Montenegro to continue the ongoing reforms in the European integration process.

Director-General Danielsson stressed that the months to follow would be a great challenge for all political actors in the Parliament to show they were willing and to agree on the necessary reforms as to further improve the electoral legislation and implement the recommendations given by relevant international organisations. He emphasises that the European Commission has been aware of the results achieved and the efforts the Parliament has been putting in to strengthen political dialogue, in the current political environment. He also pointed out that the new convocation of the European Commission has a clear message regarding credible strategy for the Western Balkans and the process of enlargement would take place and accelerate.

It is agreed that the additional efforts of the competent institutions in achieving even more measurable results in the areas of the rule of law and freedom of the media, as well as strengthening the independence of institutions important for electoral processes, will ensure that Montenegro remains the leader of the process of integration into the European Union in the Western Balkans region.


Meeting Mr Brajović – Mr Danielsson

