Tuesday, 17 September 2019 13:12

President Brajović hosts Ambassador of Greece in a farewell visit

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović hosted today the Ambassador of the Republic of Greece, Mr Sotirios Athanassiou, on the occasion of completing his diplomatic mission in Montenegro.

Expressing gratitude for the assistance of Greece so far in achieving key foreign policy goals of Montenegro, President Brajović stressed the expectation on non-failure in providing support for European integration in the period ahead.

Ambassador Athanassiou stressed that the political relations between the two countries have been extraordinary and that he expected the economic cooperation to be strengthened in the forthcoming period. He expressed satisfaction with the great progress Montenegro has made, not only in the area of economy but also the rule of law and the strengthening of institutions, adding that the general impression in Greece was that Montenegro deserved to be part of the European Union and stressed that the integration of the Western Balkans would be a priority for Greece in the coming period.

President of the Parliament hosts the Ambassador of Greece in a farewell visit

