Wednesday, 08 February 2017 15:59

Delegation of the Foreign Policy Committee of the Parliament of Albania in official visit to Montenegro

Delegation of the Foreign Policy Committee of the Parliament of Albania, headed by Chairperson Ms Arta Dade, is paying a work visit to the Parliament of Montenegro.

Delegation of the Committee was received in separate meetings by President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović, Vice President Mr Genci Nimanbegu, and a meeting was also held with the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants, headed by its Chairperson Mr Andrija Nikolić.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović emphasised that Montenegro and Albania represented an example of good neighbourly relations and friendly cooperation in areas of common interest. Bearing in mind that parliamentary cooperation represents an important part of the overall relations, President Brajović voiced his view that the existing level of cooperation should be continuously improved.

- Excellent political relations between Montenegro and Albania, as well as the existing intensity of dialogue at the highest level, are a necessary prerequisite for the strengthening of economic relations, pointed out President Brajović.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro thanked Albania for its strong support of Montenegro’s membership to NATO and conveyed willingness of our country to share its experiences from the process of European integration.

The interlocutors assessed that the European Union remained that best framework for a successful continuation of reforms, achieving standards, and promotion of the quality of life of citizens in all countries of the Western Balkans, which is why the efforts on the path towards European integration should be increased.

They shared opinions on the current political moment in Montenegro and Albania, as well as the issues of regional significance. In that context, Chairperson of the Committee Ms Dade conveyed the experience of Albania with regard to boycott of the Parliament, where she pointed out that such manner of political action never gave good results.

At the meeting of Vice President Mr Genci Nimanbegu with Chairperson of the Foreign Policy Committee of the Parliament of Albania Ms Arta Dade, mutual pleasure was emphasised over development of relations between the two countries, and it was noted that there was a lot of potential for their improvement. Vice President Nimanbegu informed the delegation on the political developments in Montenegro, as well as the progress of our country in integration processes.

During the meeting, members of the Albanian delegation were informed on the long-time requests of Albanians in Montenegro, with regard to the final defining of the status of the Municipality of Tuzi, property restitution to its owners in Valdanos, situation in the Ulcinj Saltworks, as well as the representation of Albanians in institutions of the system. They underlined possibilities for a better cooperation primarily in the field of education and culture, where the people with the Albanian nationality as bilinguals could have a very important role.

Ms Dade voiced willingness of the Republic of Albania to help in fulfilling the requests of Albanians in Montenegro, which are in the focus of interest on the occasion of every official meeting with Montenegrin officials.

During his meeting with Chairperson of the Foreign Policy Committee of the Parliament of Albania Ms Arta Dade, Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Mr Andrija Nikolić pointed out that it would not be possible to achieve strategic integration goals the EU and NATO accession without the active role in regional cooperation and consideration of the foreign policy in the regional context.

Mr Nikolić voiced his pleasure over the upcoming forming of the friendship groups between the two parliaments, with assessment that such parliamentary form represented one of the crucial foundations of parliamentary cooperation, but also the overall relations of the countries. He also pointed out that emigrants from Montenegro living in Albania represented a significant bridge of cooperation between the two countries.

Chairperson of the Committee Ms Dade expressed gratitude for the welcoming, and emphasised that she shared her host’s opinion that there were traditionally good and friendly relations between the two countries which were being improved daily.

Ms Dade congratulated Montenegro on its progress on its path towards the European and Euro-Atlantic integration, with remark that in the upcoming period it was very important to additionally work on establishing even better political and economic relations between the two countries.