Monday, 14 October 2019 15:42

President of the Parliament addresses the Inter-Parliamentary Union Session in Belgrade

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović today addressed in Belgrade at the General Debate of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) on the topic: Strengthening international law: Parliamentary roles and mechanisms, and the contribution of regional cooperation. During the speech, Mr Brajović said that the direction that we have been following for the last 13 years, since the renewal of our independence, is based precisely on the values of solidarity, dialogue, and respect of diversities – which are the greatest values of a civic, multi-ethnic and multi-confessional Montenegro. 

- Through regular parliamentary work and intensive communication with citizens, the Parliament of Montenegro is actively participating in strengthening democratic processes and creating a better political and socio-economic environment. In recent years, we have been assessed as the most open Parliament in the region, which has been contributed by our continuous communication with citizens, the media, civil society and international partners - President Brajović stressed and reminded that the Parliament of Montenegro, recognising the need for establishing dialogue and cooperation in the region, already in 2004, the Parliament of Montenegro established the Cetinje Parliamentary Forum.

Speaking about the importance of the parliamentary work, President Brajović said that by the strengthening the role of parliament we strengthen the voice and will of our citizens in international relations.

- As an elected body, representing all structures of society, it has the unique responsibility to reconcile the interests and expectations of different groups through dialogue and compromise. It has the task of adapting laws to the needs of society in the new circumstances, to control the actions of governments and international organisations, contributing thus to solving challenges at the international scene - Mr Brajović stressed. 

He said that conversations of MPs at gatherings such as this one prove that challenges that we are facing are no longer just national, but increasingly regional or international character, therefore, we should not underestimate the opportunity to find answers together through an open and constructive dialogue, taking care to preserve the cultural and traditional characteristics of our countries.

- That is why today we have an obligation to support one another and strive to be united by good intentions and a desire for a safe and prosperous life for our citizens. Montenegro knows that membership of all South-east European countries is a certain way to achieve the social, economic and political goals that our citizens want and deserve - the President of the Parliament concluded in his address.

 The President of the Parliament also met President of the Inter-Parliamentary Union Ms Gabriela Cuevas Barron. The interlocutors agreed that the presence of over 150 delegations from all continents, with the participation of over 70 speakers and 140 parliamentary delegations, was a great opportunity to expand and strengthen both parliamentary cooperation and overall relations between the member states. These meetings have been found to be important for promoting democracy, parliamentarism, dialogue and cooperation, especially in young democracies. 

President Barron stressed that in the coming period, the IPU will strive to intensify its cooperation with parliaments, especially in the field of strengthening the institution of the parliament, promoting gender equality and empowering young people.

President Brajovic also met with President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Slovenia Mr Dejan Židan, when they evaluated the traditionally good and friendly relations between the two countries. The interlocutors agreed that Montenegro and Slovenia had a common history, the closeness of the two peoples and the fact that there are no open issues in bilateral relations.

The IPU session was also an opportunity for the meeting with Algeria's People's National Assembly Ms Slimane Chenine, who discussed the possibilities of developing parliamentary and other forms of cooperation. They spoke about the formation of friendship groups, as a foundation for further cooperation of the two parliaments.

At today’s IPU Assembly, MPs from over 140 countries are taking part, with the attendance of more than 70 speakers from all over the world. Parliament of Montenegro’s delegation is composed of MPs Mr Suad Numanović, Ms Jovanka Laličić and Mr Miloš Nikolić.


Speech of the President of the Parliament - Strengthening international law:   Parliamentary roles and mechanisms, and the contribution of regional cooperation

Speech of President Brajović

Meeting with the IPU President



Meeting with the President of the Slovenian Parliament



Meeting with the President of the Algerian Parliament
