Friday, 25 October 2019 14:32

Bilateral meetings held at the European Conference of Presidents of Parliament

Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro, headed by its President Mr Ivan Brajovic, held a series of bilateral meetings during the European Conference of Presidents of Parliament, in Strasbourg.

During the conversation with PACE President Ms Liliane Maury Pasquier, the President of the Parliament of Montenegro stressed that the Montenegrin Parliament attached great importance to cooperation with this institution, through the active participation of the Parliament of Montenegro’s delegation in all PACE sessions. He emphasised that the Montenegrin institutions appreciate the fact that the Council of Europe and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe actively monitor the situation in the field of the rule of law and the media, providing useful recommendations in this respect.

Ms Maury Pasquier expressed her interest in the status of Public Broadcaster as well as the overall situation regarding the media in Montenegro and the state of investigative journalism.

In his reply, President Brajović emphasised the commitment of Montenegrin authorities to provide an opportunity to the elected representatives of citizens to work through the Committee on Comprehensive Reform of Election and Other Legislation on further improving of the legislative framework in various fields, which is necessary for the further democratisation of society, and therefore also improve the legal framework addressing the area of media freedom.

President Brajović congratulated on the success of #NotInMyParliament campaign, initiated by Ms Maury Pasquier, with the aim of raising awareness of the issue of violence against women and sexism. In this regard, he informed the interlocutor about the work of the Women's Parliament and the percentage of women in the 26th Parliament of Montenegro.

Delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro also met with Secretary General of the Council of Europe Ms Marija Pejčinović-Burić. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Council of Europe, President Brajović emphasised that the Conference of Presidents of Parliaments of the Council of Europe member states is a great opportunity to send a message about the importance of strengthening multilateralism, which can be a good response to contemporary challenges, in accordance with the basic principles of the Council of Europe. The election of Secretary Pejčinović-Burić to a high position in the Council of Europe was assessed by the Speaker of the Parliament  as significant for the countries of the region, because she is an official who knows the political, historical, cultural, economic and other opportunities and specificities of these countries.

Secretary General Pejčinović-Burić thanked Montenegro for supporting her candidacy for the post of Secretary General of the Council of Europe. She indicated that the Council of Europe would continue to support reform processes through enhanced dialogue and expert legal assistance. She cited as a positive example the recently held Cetinje Parliamentary Forum, which comprehensively addressed the issues of relations between parliaments and the media, the operation of the public service and overall media freedoms. She agreed with President Brajović that the work of the Committee on Comprehensive Reform of Electoral and Other Legislation should be closely monitored and that a sustained dialogue among participants of this process is important for further reform progress. The interlocutors concluded that the recommendations of the Venice Commission, especially when it comes to the election of members of the Judicial Council and the regulations governing the issues of freedom of religion and the legal position of religious communities, should be taken into account when determining the final decisions.  

President Brajović also spoke with Speaker of the Swedish Parliament Mr Andreas Norlén, thanking him for the continued Swedish support to the European integration of our country, provided from the very beginning of the reform and integration processes, with the expectation that it would continue in the coming period as well.

Speaking about parliamentary cooperation, President Brajović suggested forming parliamentary friendship groups, which would contribute to her intense work. The Speaker of the Swedish Parliament has suggested that the country support democratic reforms in Montenegro and wants to contribute to the development of democratic institutions. The interlocutors concluded that the Western Balkans region needed certainty in continuing the EU enlargement process, which is a precondition for the region's prosperity and stability.

With the President of the Senate of the Netherland Mr Jan Anthonie Bruijn, the bilateral relations between Montenegro and the Netherlands were assessed as good, and the President of the Parliament emphasised that Montenegro appreciated the continued support in achieving strategic foreign policy goals - NATO membership and the European integration process. The interlocutors underlined the importance of further strengthening parliamentary cooperation, especially in the field of European integration of Montenegro. President Brajović stressed that the opening of the diplomatic-consular mission of Montenegro in The Hague will further enhance the relations between the two countries. The enlargement process must be the focus of a new convocation of the European Union institutions, and in this we expect the support of the Netherlands - the President of the Parliament stressed.

Strasbourg - footage day two

