Sunday, 03 November 2019 12:07

Mr Brajović at the Meeting of Speakers of Parliaments of Southeastern European Countries

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, will participate in the 9th Meeting of Speakers of Parliaments of Southeastern European Countries, to be held in Budapest on 4 November. Aside from the host Hungary, this year's meeting will be attended by Speakers of Parliaments of other countries of the Visegrad Group.

The President will present on "The Future of EU Enlargement Policy".

During his stay in Hungary, President Brajović will meet at the Embassy of Montenegro with the heads of diplomatic missions representing Montenegro on a non-resident basis from Hungary.


The Meeting of Speakers of Parliaments of Southeast European Countries is an initiative sponsored by the Hungarian Parliament, held for more than a decade, every two years, with the aim of contributing to strengthening the perspective of European integration and strengthening security and good neighborly relations in the region.

Montenegro is represented on a non-residential basis from Hungary by the heads of diplomatic missions of Estonia, Latvia, Ireland, Georgia, Pakistan, Thailand, Philippines and Colombia.