Friday, 17 February 2017 17:08

Statement by President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović

With regard to the events in the Parliament of Montenegro, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović said that parliamentary procedure was followed, and sitting scheduled and held in line with the Constitution and Rules of Procedure.

- I absolutely rejects all allegations of the complaint filed by the DF leaders. The procedure was followed given that the sitting of the Parliament was scheduled and held in line with the Constitution and Rules of Procedure, as well as in line with previously held parliamentary sessions. In this regard, I would like to stress out that we were led by a special sense of responsibility to contribute to overcoming the increased political tensions as soon as possible, and to meet the request of the opposition for clearing up all the circumstances of the election day.

In the history of Montenegrin parliamentarism, cases of inappropriate and irresponsible behaviour of MPs, which, as the events of two days ago, violated the dignity and reputation of the Parliament and the citizens who elected them have been rare.

Therefore, I believe that we must not allow the events of two days ago to become a form of political behaviour, intended to endanger the safe foundations of the state of Montenegro.

I expect that all parts of the Montenegrin society will state their opinion on the attacks in the Parliament, which cannot be characterised as random incidents. Otherwise, the public will get the message that vandalism and destruction of reputation of the state are allowed form of behaviour and political action.

I publicly urge all MP groups formed in the Parliament to state their opinion on unpleasant scenes and attacks against MPs and thus send a clear message to the citizens of Montenegro that they condemn scandalous actions of violent MPs, so not to support them by their silence.

The decision of the Parliament of Montenegro, which has enabled the initiation of criminal proceedings and ordering detention against MPs of the Democratic Front, charged with creating a criminal organisation, was the duty of MPs, who have showed a responsible attitude towards the state and citizens. Any other action would mean obstructing and preventing the work of the Prosecutor’s Office and it would constitute inappropriate political compromise and deterioration of the legal state - President Brajović said.