Wednesday, 25 December 2019 13:58

Congratulatory message on the anniversary of the Faculty of Law of the University of Montenegro

On the occasion of the anniversary of the Faculty of Law of the University of Montenegro, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Ivan Brajović has sent his sincere congratulations to Dean of the Faculty Ms Aneta Spaić and expressed his appreciation toward the generations of distinguished lecturers of high professional and personal integrity in the honourable mission of educating young lawyers.

- The almost half-century-long tradition of legal higher education in Montenegro makes us proud and obliges to preserve and further strengthen the reputation of the Faculty of Law and the profession as a whole. The Parliament of Montenegro, as the highest legislative body, has a special interest and awareness of the importance of having high educational standards that enable the creation of competent lawyers, in the service and in favour of the rights and justice of our entire society -  the President of the Parliament of Montenegro said.