Wednesday, 15 January 2020 13:18

President of the Parliament receives Slovak Ambassador in a farewell visit

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović today has received in a farewell visit Ambassador of the Slovak Republic Mr Roma Hloben, on the occasion of termination of his office in Montenegro.

President Brajovic thanked Ambassador Hloben for his devotion and personal contribution to strengthening relations between the two countries, pointing out that political dialogue had been improved at all levels, and overall institutional ties and cooperation had been further strengthened.

The interlocutors expressed the expectation that the excellent political relations between the two NATO countries would continue, and that Slovakia would continue to provide strong support to our country on its integration path towards the European Union.

The meeting discussed current socio-political topics, as well as the importance of further strengthening of parliamentary cooperation and economic relations in the areas of interest of the two countries.

Farewell visit by Slovak Ambassador

