Thursday, 06 February 2020 14:17

United States is a reliable partner to Montenegro

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović is attending the 68th National Prayer Breakfast today, traditionally held in Washington, with the participation of US President Mr Donald Trump and large number of officials from the US and world.

Mr Brajović used his visit to Washington to meet in Congress with Mr Mike Turner, Congressman, and Ms Chellie Pingree and Mr Doug Lamborn, Co-Chairs of the Montenegro Caucus in the United States House of Representatives.

President Brajović informed his interlocutors on the current political developments in Montenegro and the Western Balkans region, particularly expressing his gratitude for the support and assistance that the US Congress has been constantly providing to our country. The President of the Parliament emphasised the importance of further intensification of bilateral relations and strengthening of the strategic partnership between the two friendly countries in all areas of cooperation- He stressed the importance of the US presence in the Western Balkans, as a confirmation of its readiness to address challenges in that region. During the talks, the country's commitment to further reforms and the importance of the rapid membership in the European Union was emphasised once again.

Congressman Turner reaffirmed the importance of Montenegro's membership in NATO, which has influenced on further spreading of Euro-Atlantic values in the region and added that Montenegro therefore deserved to be rewarded. "Your country has many friends in the United States, and it is therefore important that we maintain regular contacts to assist Montenegro's development”, Congressman Turner said.

Bearing in mind that she comes from Maine, Congresswoman Pingree stressed the importance of strategic partnership with Montenegro, especially the cooperation of the two armies. She said Montenegro can count on the support of the United States of America to overcome the latest challenges on its road to the European Union.

As co-chair of Caucus, Congressman Lamborn said he was proud of the results Montenegro had achieved, as well as the domestic and foreign policies it pursued. He informed that he would continue to encourage a stronger presence of US investments, given the great economic potential of our country.

In the Center for Strategic and International Studies, President Brajović met with Vice President Ms Heather Conley, who explained that the Center closely monitors the progress of democratic processes and the overall developments in the Western Balkans, and received full information from President Brajović.

Within his visit to the USA, President Brajović gave an interview to the Voice of America.

As part of his visit to the United States, the President of the Parliament will meet today with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres at the United Nations Headquarters.

Brajović - Day two of the visit to the United States



VoA interview

