Thursday, 16 March 2017 15:25

President of the Parliament receives the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, at the meeting that was held today with the President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Mr Pedro Agramunt, stressed that the accession to the Council of Europe was one of the first decisions of the independent Montenegro, as an expression of its deep commitment to the principles and core values of the organisation.

President Brajović expressed his gratitude for the support of the Council of Europe, in particular the Venice Commission, and stressed the importance of support projects that focus on the rule of law, fight against corruption, economic and organised crime, fight against discrimination and protection of rights of vulnerable groups.

"The decision to close the monitoring procedure for Montenegro is proof that we have successfully passed the test of strengthening the capacities necessary for a professional, efficient and transparent work of the Parliament", President Brajović said and expressed satisfaction wih the fact that the "assessment of the PACE observation mission that the parliamentary elections in Montenegro had been organised in a democratic spirit, with respect for fundamental freedoms and in accordance with the reformed regulatory framework, was congruent with the report of the OSCE/ODIHR."

PACE President, Mr Pedro Agramunt, indicated that Montenegro, as the youngest member of the Council of Europe, has made significant progress by fulfilling all the obligations undertaken with the membership in this organisation. Mr Agramunt emphasised the leading role of Montenegro as a stable partner in the region.

Speaking of elections, the PACE President said that the election results were clear and that there was a legitimately elected government in Montenegro. "The first mistake was made by the opposition, because all the political parties should be in Parliament and not in the street," said the President Agramunt and expressed his expectation that the dialogue between authorities and the opposition would be continued in the Parliament.

PACE President, Mr Pedro Agramunt, reminded of the role of the Council of Europe at a time when the European continent was facing numerous challenges, including migrant and refugee crisis and its long-term impact on host countries, the issue of security and the fight against terrorism.

PACE President said that successful coping with these challenges was possible only by joint efforts of all countries, stressing the important role that parliaments played in promoting and monitoring the respect for fundamental European values, respect for human rights and the rule of law, the fight against discrimination and hate speech. Mr Agramunt added that the NoHateNoFear initiative, launched in June 2016, was focused on the promotion of human rights, especially against hate and intolerance.