Monday, 20 March 2017 14:39

11th Conference of the Speakers of Parliament of the Small States of Europe

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, will participate at the 11th Conference of the Speakers of Parliament of the Small States of Europe, to be held in San Marino on 21-23 March.

This year's conference will address the geopolitical situation and the role of small states when it comes to the humanitarian crisis. There will also be discussion on the potentials and limitations of small states in the framework of international relations, as well as on the culture and tourism throughout history.

Adoption of the Joint Declaration is planned for the end of the Conference.

During his stay in San Marino, President Brajović will have a series of bilateral meetings with representatives of parliaments of the states participating in the Conference.

Conference of the Speakers of Parliament is held every year in a different country and brings together chairpersons of parliaments of nine states in Europe that have less than one million inhabitants: Andorra, Cyprus, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, San Marino and Montenegro.