Tuesday, 21 March 2017 19:42

Meeting Mr Brajović – Mr Syllouris: Cyprus strongly supports Montenegro on its European integration path

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, as part of his stay in San Marino, participating in the XI Conference of the Speakers of Parliament of the Small States of Europe, met today with the President of the Parliament of Cyprus, Mr Demetris Syllouris.

The officials expressed satisfaction with the traditionally good and friendly relations, which possess high potentiality for further development of cooperation in all fields. During the talks, they discussed the mechanisms for enhancing economic cooperation, improving trade opportunities and encouraging investments. Bearing in mind that both economies are mainly focused to service activities, the officials highlighted the mutual interest in enhancing cooperation in the field of tourism and finance.

They particularly stressed the importance of strengthening parliamentary cooperation as an important segment of developing relations between the two countries.

Thanking for the strong Cyprus’s support to the European path of Montenegro, President Brajović informed his colleague about the achieved progress and future plans in the field of European integration. The meeting represented an opportunity for a constructive exchange of views on the current political moment in the EU countries, as well as important security challenges of global importance

President Brajović will attend tonight the reception hosted by the captain regents of the Republic of San Marino, Mr Marino Riccardi and Fabio Berardi.

After the meeting, the President of the Parliament of Cyprus, Mr Demetris Syllouris stated:

- Cooperation between small countries is very useful for Europe in general and for the improvement of bilateral relations and that is what I talked to the President of the Parliament of Montenegro. I received an invitation to visit Montenegro, and that is what I would do because I want to support Montenegro in the EU accession process. Possessing m y own experience on this path, we can be of great help, both on this field and during the decision-making process. We will participate in this process and be a great support for Montenegro, Syllouris said.