Wednesday, 22 March 2017 14:32

Mr Brajović: Montenegro is a kind of micro model of the European Union

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, participated today on theXI Conference of the Speakers of Parliament of the Small States of Europe in San Marino.


This year's Conference of the Small States of Europe was marked by discussions about the geopolitical situation and the role of small states regarding the humanitarian crisis, potentials and limitations of small states in the framework of international relations, as well as about the culture and tourism throughout history.

President Brajović, in his address to the Conference participants, stressed that migrant crisis, the growth of terrorism and extremism, slow recovery from the consequences of the economic crisis, climate change, instead of being a call for intensive cooperation and proactive approach of all international actors in order to address them, have produced, as a domino effect, the expansion of nationalism, populism and political autism. He stressed that small states, with all their peculiarities and specific historical experience, played an important mediating role in revitalisation of the fundamental values of the developed democratic world and the idea of European unity and that without the inclusion and solidarity to overcome common problems there could be no successful European policy, nor a successful Europe.

- In Montenegro, we pay special attention to fostering social concept that intails multinational and multi-ethnic, multi-confessional and multicultural harmony. As a country which is home to more nations and where three confessions equally celebrate thaier holidays, Montenegro is a kind of micro model of the European Union, – President Brajović stated.

Speaking about relations of the Mediterranean countries, President Brajović stressed that the stability of the Mediterranean was directly related to the stability of Europe and that it was necessary to implement urgent measures in order to strengthen security and stability, through stronger links and closer cooperation. In this context, the process of exchanging ideas and launching of various initiatives is of great importance, relating to issues of preserving peace and stability, sustainable development, cultural exchange, the rule of law, migration and social integration of immigrants.

- I think that today's Conference is an opportunity for us Presidents of Parliaments of small states of Europe, to confirm readiness, communicating with our colleagues from European and non-European countries, to provide support to overcome these, for the stability of Europe and the world, essential questions. I believe that by doing this, taking our share of responsibility, we will confirm ourselves as relevant political actors in the European context and contribute to the reaffirmation of Europe as one of the key actors in the global political arena, Mr Brajović stated.

During one of the sessions, participants discussed issues in the field of tourism and culture, bearing in mind that small states in Europe had similar cultural experience, and that concentration of different cultural influences in a small area made their special value. President Brajović said that these areas possessed multiple opportunities for cooperation, exchange and strengthening of partnership between small states. He pointed out that in a world occupied by phobias, it is culture and tourism that have become promoters of successful inclusion policies and diversity promotion. Mr Brajović considered this the best way of combating nationalist and populist policies that offered seemingly simple and easy, and essentially unsustainable and potentially dangerous solutions.

Representatives of the Parliaments of small states of Europe adopted the Joint Declaration at the end, containing key aspects and conclusions of the Conference.

During his stay in San Marino, President Brajović had bilateral meetings with the President of the Parliamentary Committee of San Marino, Mr Pasquale Valentini and the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Malta, Mr Vincent Gale.

At the meeting with the President of the Parliamentary Committee of San Marino, Mr Pasquale Valentini, the interlocutors assessed that bilateral relations between the two countries were at a high level. President Brajović pointed out that there were a number of areas of mutual interest and possibilities for cooperation, especially in the fields of tourism, economy, culture, science and education. President Brajović said that it was vitally important for both countries the application of the concept of sustainable development, preservation of the natural environment and cultural heritage, stressing that Montenegro was ready to intensify cooperation in these segments.

During the meeting with the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Malta, Mr Vincent Gale, President Brajović thanked Malta for its continued support to the European perspective of Montenegro and expressed confidence that it would further be intensified during Malta's EU Council Presidency in progress. President Brajović said that there was room for exchange of experiences in the field of legislation, as well as the improvement of the tourism product and the implementation of eco-standards.

The last day of XI Conference of the Small States of Europe, President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović will use for the new bilateral meetings and exchange of experience with the presidents of parliaments of states that have less than one million inhabitants.