Thursday, 23 March 2017 13:03

Mr Brajović at the meeting with presidents of parliaments of Liechtenstein and Andorra

On his last day in San Marino, in the framework of the XI Conference of the Speakers of Parliament of the Small States of Europe, the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović had separate meeting with the President of the General Council of Andorra, Mr Vicenç Mateu and the President of the Landtag, Mr Albert Frick.


The interlocutors on this occasion particularly stressed the importance of friendly relations and agreed that maintaining a regular political dialogue was of great importance to intensifying overall cooperation.

During the meeting with the President of the General Council of Andorra, Mr Vicenç Mateu, President Brajović pointed out the possibility of cooperation and exchange of experience in many fields, especially in economy. He particularly emphasised the importance of cooperation between the two countries in the area of investments and winter tourism, it being the one of the main branches of economy of both countries.

President Brajović also informed the President of the General Council of Andorra about the dynamics in the negotiation process with the European Union, as well as the progress achieved on the path to the membership in NATO.

During the talk with the President of the Landtag, Mr Albert Frick, a coincidence in foreign priorities of the two countries was ascertained. At the same time, the necessity of enhancing bilateral cooperation in all fields was stressed, and the need to strengthen parliamentary cooperation specially emphasised.

They also exchanged views on current issues of the internal political agenda in both countries, and discussed developments in the global political scene.


Statement - Mr Vicenç Mateu:

I am very glad to be in San Marino and to have the opportunity to attend the Conference of the Speakers of Parliament of Small States of Europe. It is of great importance the fact that we also had the opportunity to mention the political crisis through which Europe has been going, and we particularly pointed out the possibility of cooperation in the field of tourism.

I am very pleased with the meeting that I just had with the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, during which we came to the conclusion that we can strengthen mutual relations, both at parliamentary level and at the level of both governments. Both are small states of Europe, but Montenegro is much bigger than Andorra. I took the opportunity to invite President Brajović to visit Andorra, which I sincerely hope he will do. 


Statement - Mr Albert Frick:

XI Conference of the Small States of Europe was inaugurated many years ago by the Republic of San Marino and I am very happy to be here again. I am very much impressed with the hospitality of this country and the organisation itself is at high level. We had interesting talks. You know, we all are somehow similar and yet different and it gives us opportunity to learn from each other. I think it is very important to continue with the tradition of this Conference and I am very privileged that the Liechtenstein will be hosting the Conference in 2018. We are looking forward to it.

Today I had the opportunity to meet with the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, with whom I had a very interesting conversation. I learned a lot about Montenegro and its path towards the European Union and I wish her all the best in the future.