Friday, 24 March 2017 16:52

Italian senators to visit the Parliament of Montenegro

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović will host on Monday, 27 March 2017, Chairperson of the Committee on European Union Policies Mr Vannino Chiti, senators Mr Stefano Collina and Mr Bartolomeo Amidei, as well as Deputy Director General of the DG for the European Union of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Mr Carlo Lo Cascio.

The meeting will be held in the White Room of the Parliament of Montenegro, starting at 9:30h, and aside from President Brajović, the meeting will be attended by Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration Mr Adrian Vuksanović and Chairperson of the Committee on International Relations and Emigrants Mr Andrija Nikolić.

After the meeting with the President of the Parliament, Chairperson of the Committee on European Union Policies Mr Vannino Chiti and Chairperson of the Committee on European Integration Mr Adrian Vuksanović will sign the Protocol of Cooperation of the Committee on European Integration of the Parliament of Montenegro and the Committee on European Union Policies of the Italian Senate, which envisages systematic and continuous exchange of information and experiences, aimed at joint action at the European forums in the context of support that Italy has been providing to Montenegro on its path to the European Union.

Signing of the Protocol of Cooperation and delivering of the introductory remarks will be done in the Blue Room of the Parliament of Montenegro, from 10:15 to 10:25 - and it is opened for media coverage.

Accredited media may record the beginning of the meeting   at 9:30h in the White Room of the Parliament of Montenegro, afterwards the press statement will be published.


After the meetings in the Parliament of Montenegro, chairpersons Vuksanović and Chiti will speak at the conference organised by the Ministry of European Affairs on the topic “60th anniversary of the Treaties of Rome: Further path of Europe”. The reception will be held in the Ramada hotel, starting at 10:30h.


President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović, paid a two-day working visit to the Republic of Italy, in mid-January 2017 on the occasion of the adoption of the NATO Accession Protocol for Montenegro, when he met in Rome President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies Ms Laura Boldrini, Deputy Foreign Minister Mr Vincenzo Amendola and senators - Mr Pier Ferdinando Casini, Chairperson of the Senate’s Committee on Foreign Policy and Emigration, Mr Vannino Chiti, Chairperson of the Committee on European Union Policies and Mr Aldo Di Biagio and Mr Stefano Collina, members of the Friendship group with Montenegro in the Italian Senate.

During the conversation with the Italian senators, the participants discussed topics in the field of parliamentary cooperation and models that can improve and further develop inter-parliamentary relations, which is of particular importance for the process of integration of our country in the EU and NATO.  

Senator Mr Pier Ferdinando Casini, Chairperson of the Senate’s Committee on Foreign Policy and Emigration, said on that occasion:

- It is important to strengthen relations between Italy and Montenegro. Relations are already great, and we greatly appreciate the achieved level of cooperation between the parliaments. The parliaments of Montenegro and Italy will continue to cooperate. The goals are the same: European Union, accession to NATO and harmony between the two countries, which contribute to the stability of the Mediterranean.

Visit by the Italian senators to the Parliament of Montenegro and signing of the Protocol of Cooperation is a great contribution to strengthening parliamentary cooperation between Montenegro and Italy, and sign of support to the European and Euro-Atlantic integration of Montenegro.