Monday, 03 April 2017 14:25

Mr Brajović – Mr Rama: Good neighborhood policy of Montenegro and Albania important for strengthening stability in the region

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, received today in the Villa "Gorica", the Prime Minister of the Republic of Albania, Mr Edi Rama, who has been paying an official visit to Montenegro.

The meeting emphasized the importance of intensifying parliamentary cooperation, which has been contributed significantly by the recent visit of the delegation of the Foreign Policy Committee of the Parliament of Albania, headed by the Chairperson, Ms Arta Dade. The interlocutors agreed that good neighborhood policy nurtured by Montenegro and Albania was of immeasurable importance for strengthening stability in the region.

President of the Montenegrin Parliament stressed the importance of exercising the rights of minorities in both countries as an important link of good neighborly relations, with the Albanian minority in Montenegro significantly participating in management bodies.

Excellent political relations and continued dialogue at the highest level, should be accompanied by more intensive economic cooperation and strengthening of the legal framework, where numerous agreements and beginning of joint projects provided great impulse, it was said during the meeting of Mr Brajović and Mr Rama.

When it comes to the final phase of NATO integration, President Brajović announced that the ratification of the Washington Treaty will soon be be finalised in the Parliament of Montenegro, thus completing preparations for delivery of the instruments of ratification. Mr Brajović thanked Prime Minister Rama for the support of Albania to Montenegro's membership in NATO from the beginning.

Good dynamics of Montenegro's path towards the European Union was also noted, as well as the readiness of our country to share its experience of European integration with neighboring Albania.