Tuesday, 04 April 2017 14:55

Third Session of Students’ Parliament held

President of the Parliament of Montenegro  Mr Ivan Brajović today opened the Third Session of the Students’ Parliament. On that occasion, president Brajović voiced his expectation that through questions and debate the students would inform the wider public on challenges faced by the young, their dilemmas, the way they see their future in Montenegro, and how they see their country in the coming decades.

President Brajović cited the three goals of his generation of politicians, namely: Montenegro as the independent state, Montenegro as a member of NATO and of the European Union.

- We leave the state of Montenegro to our heirs, as a member of the European Union and NATO, a state with created preconditions for a peaceful and economically stable life, in which young people will plan their future. We will leave them a state with developed infrastructure and high democratic capacity, a state in friendly relations with its neighbours, a state without open issues. The young are tasked with continuing on this path towards further development of modern Montenegro - pointed out Mr Brajović in his address.

The participants in the Students’ Parliament included 83 students from the University of Montenegro, University “Mediterranean”, University of Donja Gorica and the Faculty for State and European Studies. The following responded to the students’ question: Minister of Defence Mr Predrag Bošković, Minister of European Affairs  Mr Aleksandar Andrija Pejović, Minister of Culture Mr Janko Ljumović, Minister of Sports Mr Nikola Janović, National Coordinator for NATO Mr Dragan Pejanović, State Secretary for Political Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ambassador Mr Zoran Janković, H.E. Ambassador of Hungary to Montenegro Mr Pósa Krisztián.

The President of the Parliament previously met with representatives of the students’ parliaments of the said universities, who informed him on the matters of interest for the academic community. The students presented Mr Brajović with the Certificate of Appreciation for demonstrating willingness to open the Parliament of Montenegro for the discussion on Euro-Atlantic integration as well.

The session of the Students’ Parliament was attended by numerous representatives of the scientific community and state authorities including members of the Communication Team of the Council for NATO Membership, who supported the organising of today’s event.