Wednesday, 05 April 2017 15:40

President of the Parliament meets with representatives of NGO "Young Roma"

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, met today with the representatives of NGO "Young Roma". On this occasion, he congratulated the activists of the non-governmental organisation on the award they received from the European Union, for the best project "Through Education to Integration", which refers to the integration of Roma in the Western Balkans and Turkey.

"Montenegro has recognised the problems of the Roma and Egyptian community and is actively working to strengthen the social and economic integration of Roma and Egyptian community in the Montenegrin society. Measures and activities undertaken so far, aimed at improving the position of Roma and Egyptians in Montenegro, particularly through the implementation of the Action Plan for the Decade in Montenegro and two previous Strategies for improvement of the position of Roma and Egyptians, have resulted in a very significant and visible, but not quite enough, positive changes", President Brajović pointed out.

During the conversation, President Brajović stressed that one of the main goals was full integration of minorities in the social life, along with preserving and developing their national and cultural uniqueness, and improving their legal rights and freedoms. "Implementation of clearly defined objectives and measurable results, would contribute to achieving the overall improvement of the position, or the reduction of the gap that still exists between the Roma and Egyptian population and the majority of population", he stated.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, added that the respect of human rights remained among major global challenges of our time, particularly minority rights and their full enjoyment, adding that this fact made us all equally responsible. He said that Montenegro was making significant efforts to promote and protect human and minority rights in all areas, that there were visible steps forward in a positive direction, but that a lot of work would be required in the period to come.

"The exercise of fundamental human rights and the overall improvement of the position of Roma and Egyptians has multiple benefits for all of the Montenegrin society. Balanced economic and social development is an additional incentive for the tendency of Montenegro as a multiethnic democratic state to broader integration processes", President Brajović concluded.

On this occasion, the NGO "Young Roma" signed an Agreement with the Parliament of Montenegro, thus joining the other signatories.

The meeting was attended by the Vice-President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Genci Nimanbegu, Chairperson of the Committee on Human Rights and Freedoms, Mr Halil Duković, Head of the MPs Group of the Democratic Party of Socialists, Mr Miodrag Bobo Radunović, Head of the MPs Group of the Bosniak Party, Coalition "Albanians resolutely" and the Croatian Civic Initiative, Mr Ervin Ibrahimović and the Head of the MPs Group of the Social Democrats of Montenegro and Liberal Party, of Montenegro, Andrija Popović.