Friday, 07 April 2017 18:08

President of the Parliament of Montenegro at the AII: European values are and have to be our main guiding principle

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović, who is taking part in the XV Conference of President/Speakers of Parliaments of the Adriatic & Ionian Initiative (AII), today in Ioannina (Greece) delivered speeches on the topics: “Blue Growth in the Adriatic & Ionian Macroregion: needs and opportunities” and “The importance of the parliamentary dimension of the Adriatic & Ionian Initiative”.

Policy of good neighbourly relations is one of the most important foreign policy priorities of Montenegro, and therefore we see the role of regional initiatives, such as the Adriatic and Ionian, as the most relevant reflection of our aspiration to act united and proactively, and thereby contribute to the prosperity of the region and entire European area, President Brajović stressed out.

- Parliamentary cooperation in the existing framework, at the level of speakers of the parliaments, aside from paving path to strengthening parliamentary cooperation at all levels, offers a wide platform for discussion on topics important for the region, and it is also a tool for rapid response to the currents issues particularly important for the states in this area and our citizens. Parliaments are not there just to adopt laws, they also have the obligation to continuously contribute to political stability and the overall development of our communities, as a reflection of the sovereign will of the citizens, Brajović said.

He said that, taking into account the importance of the Adriatic & Ionian Initiative, it was necessary to promote approach that ensures fulfilling regional objectives but also specifics at national levels.

Aware that European value are and have to be our main guiding principle, we must not neglect particularities of individual countries, because those are also the values contributing to stability of Europe, Mr Brajović noted.

- We are facing numerous challenges. The European Union is also facing numerous challenges. In these circumstances, our states, with their particularities and specific historical experiences, can serve as a role model and play an important role in the revitalization of the fundamental values of the developed democratic world and idea of European unity - the role which significantly exceeds our geographical and demographic proportions, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović emphasised.

He stressed that it was necessary to strengthen ties among states and parliaments.

- I believe that parliamentary cooperation within Adriatic & Ionian region is an important contribution to new vitality of the European Union. We have to continue more intensive cooperation, strengthen ties among our states and parliaments, in order to help each other and give concreate support in resolving pressing problems of our citizens, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović concluded.

During the participation in the XV Conference of President/Speakers of Parliaments of the Adriatic & Ionian Initiative (AII), he had a set of bilateral meetings, including the following: with Speaker of the Hellenic Parliament Mr Nikolaos Voutsis, Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr Šefik Džaferović and Deputy Speaker of the Croatian Parliament Mr Milijan Brkić.

During the talk with the Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the interlocutors assessed that the states had excellent and friendly relations, with no open issues, which is being confirmed by continuous dialogue at the highest level. They welcomed coming into force of the Agreement on border and emphasised the need for strengthening contractual basis between the countries. President Brajović stressed the importance of parliamentary cooperation and announced that the new composition of the Friendship Group with Bosnia and Herzegovina for the 26th convocation would be appointed soon, which would certainly contribute to its further strengthening.

In his talk with Speaker of the Hellenic Parliament Mr Nikolaos Voutsis, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović reminded that Greece was the first contact point embassy for Montenegro in 2008, thanked for the ratification of the NATO Accession Protocol for Montenegro in January of this year and expressed expectation that that Montenegro would participate as a full member in NATO summit scheduled for May.

Brajović said that that at the parliamentary elections of October 2016, the citizens of Montenegro showed their major commitment to Montenegro's membership of NATO, more precisely they showed support to the values of the Western civilisation.

They stated that, in addition to Adriatic & Ionian, Montenegro and Greece had good cooperation with numerous regional initiatives, such as: EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (EUSAIR), Central European Initiative (CEI), South-East European Cooperation Process/Regional Cooperation Council (SEECP/RCC), Regional Centre for Security Cooperation (RACVIAC), Organization of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC).

During the conversation with the Vice President of the Croatian Parliament Milijan Brkić, they assessed that Montenegro and Croatia cooperated in friendly and open manner. Mr Brkić said that Croatia would continue to support Montenegro on its path to the European and Euro-Atlantic integration. They also discussed other political and economic issues of the two states, as well as concrete models to promote and strengthen parliamentary cooperation.

Speaker of the Hellenic Parliament Mr Nikolaos Voutsis said:

- We held a very important meeting, during which we talked about strengthening cooperation within Adriatic & Ionian relationship. That issue is important for regional development and for the relationship between our two states as well. Also, I would like to express my full support to Montenegro’s full membership of NATO and other international organisations. I hope that it will be short and swift path. Furthermore, I hope that Montenegro’s membership of the EU and NATO will be beneficial for my country and EU.


Bilateral meeting with Deputy Speaker of the Croatian Parliament Mr Milijan Brkić:



Statement by Deputy Speaker of the Croatian Parliament Mr Milijan Brkić:



XV Conference of President/Speakers of Parliaments of the Adriatic & Ionian Initiative (AII)



Bilateral meeting with Chairman of the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina Mr Šefik Džaferović:



Statement by Šefik Džaferović:



Bilateral meeting with Speaker of the Hellenic Parliament Mr Nikolaos Voutsis:



Statement by Mr Nikolaos Voutsis:



Statement by Mr Ivan Brajović:

