Monday, 24 April 2017 17:26

Unanimous assessment that Montenegro is a leader and positive example in the Western Balkans

Day two of participation of the Parliament of Montenegro’s delegation, headed by President Ivan Brajović, in the Conference of Speakers of EU Parliaments in the capital of Slovakia, was marked by bilateral meetings with the President of the European Parliament, and presidents of parliaments of Slovakia, Estonia and Slovenia, and the Slovak Minister of Foreign Affairs.


President of the European Parliament Mr Antonio Tajani stressed the importance of working together at strengthening positions of Montenegro and its contribution to peace and stability in the Western Balkans. They assessed that challenges of Europe were a common topic, so inclusion of the Western Balkans was also a common political interest.

Slovak Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Miroslav Lajčák said that Montenegro was a positive example in the Balkans, which was a good thing for the European Union and other neighbouring countries. Mr Lajčák confirmed that Montenegro has repeatedly shown its maturity and willingness to resolve its internal issues by its own forces.

- In European democracies, the opposition has a responsibility and I would like to see that the Montenegrin opposition becomes aware of this responsibility and to assume their share of responsibility, but this can happen only in institutions, and not on the street, the Slovak Minister of Foreign Affairs said.

Mr Eiki Nestor, President of the Estonian Parliament, country that will take the chair of the European Union in the second half of 2017, said that his country was completely on the side of Montenegro and that they were waiting our country to join NATO soon and the European Union.

- My best wishes to your country. We are waiting you to the NATO soon and to the EU. Afterwards, the EU membership takes some time just to build up a normal, peaceful, open democratic and tolerant society. So, we are fully on your side - good luck, Montenegro! - President of the Estonian Parliament said, after the meeting with the President of the Montenegrin Parliament.

Similar messages were sent at meetings with President of the Slovenian National Assembly Mr Milan Brglez and President of the Slovak Parliament Mr Andrej Danko.

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović summed up the activities of our state’s delegation at the Conference of Speakers of the EU Parliaments:

- Every opportunity for Montenegro to be in the company of high representatives of the European Union is of great importance for reviewing our status and correctness of the path that we have chosen. All interlocutors - the President of the European Parliament as well as presidents of parliaments of the Netherlands, Estonia, Slovenia, Slovakia and Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Lajčák - assessed that Montenegro is passing its path swiftly and congratulated us on the upcoming full membership in NATO. In its national policy, Montenegro has not always reached easy decisions, there were some risky ones, but when you believe in what you do and lead a responsible state policy, it is not difficult to follow the interests of your country. As for the Conference, the assessment that the European Union needs to find new ideas to strengthen European values was dominant. The best thing that has happened to Europe in the past 60 years is the European Union and the European unity, so these values need new strength by promotion of new ideas, President Brajović said after the Conference.

Statement by Slovak Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Miroslav Lajčák after the meeting with President of the Parliament Mr Ivan Brajović

- Today we talked about our extraordinary bilateral relations. Slovakia and Montenegro are two friendly countries, with intensive contacts and no problems. On the contrary, we are making our efforts to cooperate more. We talked about European and Atlantic efforts of Montenegro. I congratulated Montenegro on its success. Montenegro is almost a full NATO member, and that will be clear at the Summit in Brussels, on 25 May. Montenegro is a leader of the European integration process. With 26 open chapters, it serves as example to other regional countries. The example that if you have a government and state serious in their efforts, if they do what they promised, then it brings results. So, it is good for the European Union because we have a positive model in the Balkans and it is good for other countries in the region. Of course, I encouraged the President of the Parliament to continue these efforts. 

We talked also about the internal situation in Montenegro. I want to emphasise once again that Montenegro has repeatedly demonstrated its maturity and its readiness to solve its internal issues by its own forces and I am convinced that it will be like that in this situation as well. - In European democracies, the opposition has a responsibility and I would like to see that the Montenegrin opposition becomes aware of this responsibility and to assume their share of responsibility, but this can happen only in institutions, and not on the street. So I expect that the situation will return to normal and that the political dialogue will be conducted in the Parliament of Montenegro, Minister Lajčák said.


Video coverage from Bratislava



Statement by President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović: 



Statement by Slovak Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Miroslav Lajčák:



Statement by President of the Estonian Parliament Mr Eiki Nestor:


Statement by President of the Slovenian National Assembly Mr Milan Brglez:

