Tuesday, 09 May 2017 17:21

Discussion “What is anti-fascism in Montenegro today” held in the Parliament of Montenegro

On the occasion of Victory Day over Fascism and Europe Day, a discussion was held in the Parliament of Montenegro titled  “What is anti-fascism in Montenegro today”, with participation of historian Mr Živko Andrijašević, prorector and full professor of the University of Montenegro, politicologist Mr Ilija Vujačić, lecturer at the Faculty of Political Science in Belgrade and University Donja Gorica in Podgorica, Ms Jadranka Selhanović, Assistant Director of the State Archive of Montenegro, Mr Slavko Burzanović of the Historic Institute of Montenegro, as well as Mr Adnan Prekić of the Faculty of Philosophy in Nikšić. The attendees were also greeted by academician Mr Zuvdija Hodžić, President of SUBNOR and anti-fascists of Montenegro. A debater as well as a moderator was Mr Dragutin Papović, a historian and a member of the Parliament of Montenegro.


At the gathering they discussed the role of anti-fascism in a civic society, anti-fascism from the perspective of multinational and multi-confessional Montenegro, and challenges it was facing today in Montenegro and in Europe. Special overview of the promotion of anti-fascistic values among the young was given.

In his opening address, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović said that the Parliament of Montenegro had an important role in launching initiatives for addressing the issues of the broadest social significance, and that 9 May was the day with a multifaceted significance. President Brajović emphasised that the task of all individuals with responsible roles in society was to promote the values of anti-fascism, such as solidarity among groups and individuals, social justice, respect for diversity and equality.

- Montenegro has a lot to be proud of, both in the context of history and today. The 13th July Uprising, as the first nationwide uprising in the enslaved Europe, represents one of the brightest moments in our history. Today, with every right, we are proud of our multinational and religious harmony, tolerance, understanding of differences, as well as basic anti-fascistic values which have been fostered and developed over decades. Because the independent, European Montenegro was created precisely on the foundation of the anti-fascistic struggle, said the President of the Parliament.

He said that the modern Europe, today dominantly reflected in the European Union, towards which we strive, was also based on those same values - The same thread which had determined the course of history of the twentieth century also determined the development of countries and peoples of Europe, the gathering around the same values both in economic and the broadest social sense”, concluded Mr Brajović.

As especially significant, the President of the Parliament pointed out the need for fostering the culture of memory, because fascism as historically incomparable negative phenomena did not cease to exist, and that the role of institutions and individuals was to defend the proven and achieved values on which the modern society was built. 

Earlier today, the President of the Parliament, at the head of the state delegation, laid down a wreath on the monument to partisan fighter on Gorica.

We also remind that today, upon the initiative of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović addressed to Minister of Education Mr Damir Šehović, there is a lesson held in Montenegrin schools on the occasion of 9 May - Victory Day over Fascism and Europe Day.

