Friday, 19 May 2017 16:04

Highlights from the Summit Meeting of Parliament Speakers from Central and Eastern Europe

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, after participating at the Summit Meeting of Parliament Speakers from Central and Eastern Europe in Warsaw, said that the Summit was an opportunity to discuss very important issues and the role of parliaments in international cooperation.

- Summit Meeting of Parliament Speakers from Central and Eastern Europe was one more opportunity to discuss very important issues, such as the parliamentary role in international cooperation, variuos contributions to security both the region and Europe, infrastructural connectivity and many other development projects that would enable better quality of life of our citizens. I particularly referred to the issue of security during my participation here, because the story about our decision to ratify the Washington Agreement and become a member of NATO was still fresh. As you know, Montenegro has achieved its major goal that way, and now we can freely say that we are a member of NATO. We will probably submit ratification instruments to the State Department on 5 June, and I must say that I have received congratulations and praise from all the colleagues for such a journey of Montenegro. Of course, it is only the opportunity for us to continue more intensively towards the European Union and I think it is very important, as I have always emphasised - Montenegro has been ready to listen to every well-intentioned advice, and well-intentioned criticism, as well. We are very disposed to share advice and experience on this path towards NATO integration, towards the integration into the EU with everyone. I think that, especially in the Western Balkans, no one should be kept outside these integration processes, and I also believe that the EU should show more understanding for the opening of accession to its new expansion. In any case, I always think that, no matter how one was small and new, it still can contribute to this union more. I had a series of bilateral meetings, both with the hosts, colleagues from Poland, as well as Hungary, Ukraine, with everyone, because a kind of union has been created really, true friendship between presidents of parliaments, and this is very important, because we do not just adopt laws, we show ideas through our activity and initiate some as well, all in the interest of a better life for our citizens. In this regard, I really think it is extremely important that Montenegro has been recognised as a leader - we are not on the path to NATO, we are already in the NATO, but also as a leader when it comes to European integration towards the European Union, a leader of the Western Balkans. But, Western Balkans is still, unfortunately, a rather soft-boiled area, and all of us want to see it as an area of complete stability, peace and good neighborly cooperation, that Montenegro gives full contribution to, the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajovic, said.

Speaker of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, Mr Marek Kuchciński, stressed the satisfaction with the participation of the delegation led by the President of the Parliament, Mr Brajović:

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- I am pleased that the Montenegrin delegation, headed by the President of the Parliament, participated today in the Summit Meeting of Parliament Speakers from Central and Eastern Europe in Warsaw. We are closely monitoring the situation in the Western Balkans and in Montenegro, and support Montenegro's efforts to join NATO, as well as to become a member of a large family such as the European Union. We are aware of the position Montenegro is in, as well as its historical position, of what was before, we very carefully observe what is happening and support the aspirations of Montenegro to become a member of the European Union.

I think that the tendency of Montenegro to become and remain a strong democratic state, to maintain the outcome of the elections, is very important, and I think that the whole democratic world supports Montenegro in that regard. At the Summit today, everything the President said was of great interest to all of the participants of the meeting, and I think that he obtained new countries to support Montenegro on its path towards the European Union. I therefore warmly greet Montenegro and wish all the best to friends from Montenegro, the Speaker of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland, Mr Marek Kuchciński, said.

Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary, Mr László Kövér, said that Montenegro's accession to NATO was of great importance for the entire region:

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We would like to congratulate our friends in Montenegro for the fact that before NATO accession of the country is completed, there are only a few symbolic formalities left. And as it was in the case of Hungary, that NATO accession was the first step towards the integration within the European Union, we believe that the same will apply in the case of Montenegro, and your Euro-Atlantic integration will receive one more impetus as a result. And this has a great significance not only for Montenegro itself, but for the entire region. This is a step that may stabilise the region and open up a new perspective for those countries in the region who are as yet slightly legging behind Montenegro, in terms of their Euro-Atlantic integration. And for Hungary it is also very important, because we have been trying to facilitate this process and support our friends in Montenegro on their path towards the European integration and in this sense of the word we view this as also Hungary’s success. And for us, friendship with Montenegro goes back to the historical past. It has always been a very important relation for Hungary in the region, and let me illustrate by with just one example, in terms of investment – Hungary is the second member state of the European Union in Montenegro, the Speaker of the National Assembly of Hungary, Mr László Kövér, said.