Tuesday, 30 May 2017 17:27

Mr Brajović: ODIHR recommendations represent support to strengthening of democratic processes in Montenegro

At his meeting with the delegation of the OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) led by Mr Roman Jakič, head of OSCE/ODIHR observation mission which observed the parliamentary elections in Montenegro, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović emphasised that Montenegrin authorities shared the opinion that the Final Report of the election observation mission was realistic, objective, and positive. The President pointed out that Montenegro had carefully considered recommendations from the Final Report, and emphasised willingness of the responsible bodies to continue with improvement of the electoral legislation.


- I see the meeting with the ODIHR delegation and Mr Jakič as continuation of our excellent cooperation. We discussed the improvement of the electoral process, implementation of recommendations from the Final Report of the election observation mission. I must emphasise that we do not see recommendations as criticism but as precious advice and support in what are the tasks of our society and to which we are dedicated, and those are the strengthening of the rule of law and institutions of the system, as well as the strengthening of democratic processes as a whole, pointed out Mr Brajović.

Willingness of ODIHR to encourage and offer its expert assistance in implementation of recommendations from the Report was emphasised at the meeting. They also expressed the expectation of the proactive approach of institutions in charge of implementation of the electoral process, bearing in mind that, as direct actors of the electoral process, they could most efficiently see the shortcomings in practice. They voiced their pleasure over the willingness to adopt the recommendations, both for those shortcomings that can be removed in a relatively short period and for those from the domain of amending legislation, which require longer periods of time. Speaking of continuity of cooperation, the ODIHR representatives reminded of the fact that out of all states of the former Yugoslavia, during 90s, only in Montenegro they had their office opened for work.

The interlocutors voiced their pleasure over the fact that, during the day in the Parliament of Montenegro, the ODIHR delegation would meet with most of the MP Groups of parliamentary parties, both from the ruling majority and the opposition.


Youtube: https://youtu.be/vxePqKY3Ajk
