Tuesday, 13 June 2017 09:37

SAPC in Strasbourg on the issues of Montenegro and EU relations

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, will lead the Montenegrin delegation to the EU-Montenegro Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee (SAPC), which will be held on 14 June in Strasbourg, at the seat of the European Parliament. President Brajović will at the same time serve as the co-chair with Mr Peter Kouroumbashev, Vice-Chair of the European Parliament Delegation in the SAPC.

The Committee, which is meeting for the 13th time, will discuss issues of Montenegro's progress in the field of fundamental rights, social policy and employment, justice, freedom and security. The agenda will cover issues of the state of play of accession negotiations and relations between the European Union and Montenegro, and also the discussion of the implementation of the recent parliamentary elections and the functioning of the Parliament.

Besides the delegation of the Parliament of Montenegro, the Deputy Prime Minister, Mr Zoran Pažin, will participate in the work of SAPC, as the rapporteur on the state of play of accession negotiations and relations between the EU and Montenegro.

Joint Declaration will be adopted after the SAPC meeting.

About SAPC: EU-Montenegro Stabilisation and Association Parliamentary Committee (SAPC) was set up in June 2010, upon entering into force of the Stabilization and Association Agreement. The Committee is composed of Members of the Parliament of Montenegro and the European Parliament, and it meets twice a year interchangeably in Brussels or Strasbourg and Podgorica. SAPC considers all aspects of relations between the EU and Montenegro and, in particular, the implementation of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement.