Wednesday, 21 June 2017 13:41

President Brajović hosts newly-appointed Ambassador of the United Kingdom to Montenegro Ms Alison Kemp

At today’s meeting, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović and newly-appointed Ambassador of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to Montenegro Ms Alison Kemp expressed pleasure with the existing level of bilateral relations, and confidence that there were numerous potentials for their strengthening, particularly in the field of economy.

President Brajović thanked for the continuous support of the Great Britain to Montenegro's membership of NATO.

The interlocutors spoke about internal political developments in Montenegro and Great Britain as well as about current developments in the region of the Southeast Europe.

President Brajović informed the Ambassador in particular about the parliamentary elections and functioning of the Parliament of Montenegro.

With regard to that, Ambassador Kemp said that the position of the Great Britain was very clear, that they agreed fully with findings of the OSCE/ODIHR Report, and that job of MPs was to represent interest of citizens who voted for them.

The interlocutors emphasised the importance of the Westminster Foundation and projects it financed in Montenegro, which, among other things, contributed to strengthening of capacities of the Parliament of Montenegro’s service.

