Tuesday, 27 June 2017 15:31

President of the Parliament with the participants of the Igman Initiative on the importance of regional cooperation

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, hosted today co-Presidents of the Igman Initiative for Serbia, Croatia, BiH, and Montenegro, Mr Aleksandar Popov, Mr Zoran Pusić, MR Vehid Šehić and Mr Branko Lukovac.

The meeting was held on the occasion of the 27th session of the Igman Initiative, being held today in Podgorica, entitled "Relations in the region - from the crisis to stability and cooperation".

Co- Presidents from four countries of the region informed the President of the Parliament with the conclusions of today's session and future activities of the Igman Initiative, especially those focused on cooperation with the Nordic Council.

President Brajović emphasised the importance of the Igman and other initiatives, dedicated to further stabilisation of the region, open talks on all issues that influence the strengthening of cooperation.

- The goal of such initiatives is not to repeat bad experiences from the past, to open the door to economic, cultural and every other cooperation between our countries and citizens, in order to make life and common well-being in this region safer, more secure and of better quality in every respect – Mr Brajović pinted out.

President of the Parliament also emphasised the importance of mutual support of the countries of the region on the path towards the European Union, stressing the view that this path should be pursued individually, with concrete individual achievements of the candidate countries.