Friday, 30 June 2017 13:31

President of the Parliament of Montenegro to host the Speaker of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia

Speaker of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia visiting Montenegro on Monday

President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, will host on Monday 3 July, the delegation of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia, headed by the Speaker of the Assembly, Mr Talat Xhaferi.

Visit to Montenegro is the first international official parliamentary visit of the Speaker of the Assembly after taking office.

Agenda of the reception at the Villa "Gorica":

10:00 Welcoming ceremony

10:10 Meeting of Presidents Brajović and Xhaferi

11:05 Press statements

Technical information: Accredited members of the media can record the welcoming ceremony, the beginning of the meeting and press statements.

Memebers of the media who do not possess annual press credentials, should request their issuance from the Department for Public Relations of the Parliament, via fax: 020 404 518 or by e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.