Friday, 07 July 2017 14:05

Debate on resolutions begins at the OSCE PA in Minsk

Today's session was marked by debates at the Plenary Session and meetings of three general committees on draft resolutions, regarding political and security affairs, economic and environmental issues, and human rights. At the Plenary Session, resolutions introduced by France and Switzerland were adopted, dedicated to migration, in which OSCE participating States were urged to demonstrate clear commitment to the principles of solidarity and accountability and to intensify efforts in resolving current conflicts and effectively manage migration flows.

At the committee meetings, rapporteurs presented their reports and draft resolutions. Chair of the Committee on Political Affairs and Security, Mr Roger Wicker (USA) and Rapporteur Margareta Cederfelt (Sweden), being this year's vice-presidential candidates of the OSCE PA, stressed the need to strengthen the role of the OSCE as a primary forum for transatlantic and eurasian dialogue in addressing current security challenges. In the draft resolution of the Committee, Ms Cederfelt invited the countries of the Western Balkans to engage in a constructive dialogue for the purpose of regional cooperation, as well as ensuring peace and security in this area.

At the meeting of the Committee on Economic Affairs, Science, Technology and Environment, the Chair Ms Nilza Sena (Portugal) and Committee Rapporteur Ms Marietta Tidei (Italy), raised questions about which parliamentarians had the obligation to speak with special care because they represented the imperative for the survival of mankind, such as the reduction of poverty, the promotion of social and health issues, the high level of education. Speaking of migrants, Ms Tidei pointed to the importance of investments in the field of energy and industry in order to raise the standards and economic development of the countries of origin of refugees.

Chair of the Committee on Democracy, Human Rights and Humanitarian Questions, Mr Ignacio Sanchez Amor (Spain) and Committee Rapporteur Kyriakos Kyriakou-Hadjiyianni (Cyprus) stressed that, at the time of actual conflicts, respect for human rights was the foundation of the shape of OSCE member states. In his resolution, Mr Hadjiyianni pointed to the need to preserve the rule of law, which established the legitimacy of institutions and was a guarantor of security.

On the agenda of the XXVI OSCE PA Annual Session, there are issues of combating terrorism, climate change, migration and strengthening of human resources. At the Plenary Session, there was a discussion on the current conflicts in and around Ukraine, Nagorno-Karabakh, South Caucasus, but the abolition of the death penalty as well and the rights of refugees and internally displaced persons.

All these issues will be included in the Joint Declaration, which is to be adopted at the end of the Session, and forwarded to the parliaments and governments of the Member States.

President of the Parliament, Mr Ivan Brajović, and MP Mr Nikola Rakočević, as an alternate member, are participating at the XXVI Annual Session.