Saturday, 08 July 2017 16:07

President of the Parliament addresses the OSCE PA

At the final plenary session of the OSCE PA, held in Minsk, and devoted to enhancing mutual trust and co-operation for peace and prosperity in the OSCE region, President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović, as the first speaker, emphasised that our common priority goals, which would be the basis of our future activities and policies that elected representative of people created, were the greatest legacy that we can leave to future generations.

Bearing in mind the experiences of our country, President Brajović said that the joint response to serious threats and challenges of the present time - bearing in mind domino effect of nationalism and populism - should not limit or undermine human rights and fundamental freedoms.

I always proudly emphasise the civil character of Montenegro, where, in a small space, different ethnic groups and members of several confessions live in harmony. In the time of bloody dissolution of Tito's Yugoslavia, we managed to preserve stability, internal harmony and save the territory of Montenegro from war destructions. We renewed our independence in a referendum of 2006, peacefully and with the highest democratic standards. We have determined our foreign policy priorities, and those are: fostering good neighbouring relations and regional cooperation, integration into the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation as well as the European Union membership, which will be in the focus of our foreign policy in the upcoming period. President of the Parliament said, adding that by preserving its identity and uniqueness, Montenegro simultaneously remains open for cooperation with all parties devoted to dialogue and to providing permanent peace in the area of the OSCE member states.

During the day, Preident Brajović had an official meeting with the OSCE PA President Christine Muttonen, who emphasised Montenegro’s devotion and commitment to the OSCE PA. Visit to Minsk was an opportunity for numerous bilateral meetings with heads of delegations and officials of the OSCE PA. The new leadership of the organisation has been elected for the upcoming year. At the meeting in Minsk, Montenegro was one of the 17 founding states of the "Silk Road Support Group" aimed at strengthening economic and trade ties, with an emphasis on promoting links through traffic corridors and measures to facilitate traffic and trade.

Address by President Ivan Brajović, OSCE, Minsk



OSCE Minsk



pdfAddress by the President of the Parliament of Montenegro at the 26th Annual Session of the OSCE PA, Minsk, Belarus