Tuesday, 11 July 2017 13:07

Mr Brajović: "The degree of democracy and development of a society is measured by the relation of that society towards minorities"

At the Final Conference of the project "Strengthening capacities of Roma for public activism - United we can do more!", organised by the NGO Young Roma in cooperation with the Union of Free Trade Unions of Montenegro and the Coalition "Roma Circle", the President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, had a presentation on the "Opportunities for Political Activism of Roma in Montenegro", in which he expressed confidence that the degree of democracy and the development of one society was also measured by the relation of that society towards minorities. President Brajović emphasised that by stating this he considered the quality of everyday life of all minority communities and the practical application of everything set out in the documents as the ultimate goal, which was full integration of Roma and Egyptians into social life, with preservation and development of all their ethnic and Cultural specialties.   


- One of the first activities that I performed as the President of the Parliament was to sign the Agreement on Cooperation of the Parliament of Montenegro with NGO Youth Roma. I recognised the initiative as an excellent opportunity for us to contribute, as an institution of all citizens, actively to the improvement of the position of the Roma community in Montenegro, to strengthen the institutional dialogue with the representatives of this NGO through the improvement of the information exchange mechanism and the efficient and quality participation of its representatives in the creation of public policies, the President of the Parliament stressed, among other things, in his presentation.

He reminded that this year on 7 April, on the eve of the International Roma Day, the Sixth Sitting of the Women's Parliament was held, dedicated to the inclusion of women in public and political life, as well as the involvement of young members of national minorities and Roma women, in order to encourage them to engage in politics.

President Brajović also stressed the importance of the Law on Amendments to the Law on Minority Rights and Freedoms, adopted in April 2017, which strengthened the capacities of minority people's councils and other minority national communities, and ensured the increase in budgetary allocations for their work.

Today's Conference is the final event of the project implemented since February 2016, with the support of the Delegation of the European Union to Montenegro.

pdfIntroductory speech by the President Brajović at the Conference "Strengthening capacities of Roma for public activism - United we can do more!"

yt          https://youtu.be/Wx37lOfcNNc

Speech of the President of the Parliament
yt          https://youtu.be/KHwzTR6rofA