Friday, 14 July 2017 14:30

President of the European Parliament a guest of President Brajović

President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović will host President of the European Parliament Mr Antonio Tajani, on Tuesday, 18 July 2017.

The visit programme includes:

  • 12:30h - Welcoming ceremony by President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović - Villa “Gorica” (cameramen and photo-reporters)
  • 12:40h - Joint photo of the two presidents (cameramen and photo-reporters)
  • 12:45h - Reception by President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Ivan Brajović - Villa “Gorica” (cameramen and photo-reporters)
  • 13:30h - Press statements of the two presidents (journalists, cameramen and photo-reporters)

The welcoming ceremony as well as the beginning of the meeting can be recorded by cameramen and photo-reporters, after which at 13:30, when the press conference is scheduled, journalists will also join.

Department for Public Relations of the Parliament of Montenegro will provide photos and footage of the event to the media.

Cameramen and photo-reporters (who do not possess annual credentials) may obtain press credentials in the Department for Public Relations and Protocol, telephone number: 404-565; 245 125, or via e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..