Thursday, 03 August 2017 10:37

President of the Parliament congratulates Municipality Days of Plužine and Petnjica

On the occasion of 4th August - Municipality Days of Plužine and Petnjica, President of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Ivan Brajović, extended congratulatory messages to the citizens and the authorities of these municipalities


In the congratulatory message sent on the occasion of the Municipality Day of Plužine, it was stated that with rich historical memory, members of the Piva tribe could testify to what temptations Montenegro and its inhabitants had resisted.

- With the help of serious hydrological resources, natural beauties, possibilities of specific tourist potentials of active, rural and mountain rest, as well as inventive individuals, the town of Plužine has now been located on the map of tourists from all over the world. With the planned work, investment in human and natural resources, through the close cooperation of local and state administration, I believe that Piva and Plužine will continue with their countinuous development – it is stated in the message of the President of the Parliament of Montenegro.

Congratulating the Municipality Day to the citizens of Petnjica, President Brajović expressed his belief that the inhabitants of Gornji Bihor, those who stayed at their homes, and those who have achieved their existence far from their homeland – have had a common goal, which was the development and progress of the town Petnjica.

- By joining human vision with economic and natural potentials, as well as the synergy of local and state resources, I want to see the progress of Petnjica to be more dynamic, and the citizens of Petnjica year after year more pleased with celebrating personal and joint anniversaries – it is stated in the message of the President Brajović.