Friday, 06 October 2017 16:12

Administrative Committee holds its Sixteenth Meeting

The Committee adopted two decisions

At today’s Sixteenth Meeting of the Administrative Committee of the 26th Parliament of Montenegro, pursuant to Article 56 of the Personal Data Protection Law, the Committee gave consent to the Decision on amending the Statute of the Agency for Personal Data Protection and Free Access to Information.

The Committee adopted the Decision on amending the Decision on task complexity coefficient in the Service of the Parliament of Montenegro as well as the Decision on amending the Decision on determining reimbursements for the work of science and expert consultants.

In accordance with Article 67 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro, the following took part in the meeting, in their capacity of proposers: Mr Aleksandar Jovićević, Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro, Mr Muhamed Gjokaj, President of the Council of the Agency for Personal Data Protection and Free Access to Information and Mr Čedomir Mitrović, Director of the Agency for Personal Data Protection and Free Access to Information.

Ms Slavica Mirković, President of the Trade Union of the Parliament of Montenegro, and Mr Igor Šljivančanin, member of the Executive Board of the Trade Union, also participated in the meeting, supporting the Decision on amending the Decision on task complexity coefficient in the Service of the Parliament of Montenegro, submitted by the Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro. They also initiated the decision on the salary allowance for certain titles in the parliamentary service.

The Chairperson of the Committee informed members of the Committee on the Reply by the Agency for Prevention of Corruption of 4 October 2017 with regard to anonymous applications about the alleged existence of a conflict of interest of a number of members of the RTCG Council and the Council of the Agency for Electronic Media. In this regard, the Committee decided to send an invitation, when formal and legal conditions are reached, to members of the RTCG Council and the Council of the Agency for Electronic Media, for whom there is evidence that they are in conflict of interest, to participate in one of the following Committee meetings, in order to plead on the said circumstances.