Wednesday, 15 November 2017 19:24

Administrative Committee holds its 20th Meeting

Committee established the Proposal for the list for the appointment of one member of the Council of the Agency for Electronic Media according to authorised proposer


The Administrative Committee of the 26th Parliament of Montenegro, at the 20th meeting that was held today, established the Proposal for the list for the appointment of one member of the Council of the Agency for Electronic Media according to the authorised proposer, and decided to nominate Mr Rajko Todorović as a member of the Council of the Agency for Electronic Media, graduated painter, at the proposal of the Montenegrin PEN Center.

The Committee considered recommendations of the State Audit Institution from the Final Report on the Audit of the Annual Financial Report of the Parliament of Montenegro for 2016. In this regard, accoring to the competences of the Administrative Committee established by the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro, the Committee has established measures for the implementation of the recommendations of the State Audit Institution.