Friday, 24 November 2017 14:35

Administrative Committee holds its 21st Meeting

The Committee has initiated the procedure for the appointment of a member of the Council of Radio Television of Montenegro

Administrative Committee of the 26th Parliament of Montenegro, at its 21st Meeting held today, has initiated - in line with the Law on National Public Broadcaster RTCG - the procedure for appointment of a member of the Council of Radio Television of Montenegro, by sending a Public Invitation to authorised representatives - universities in Montenegro.

The Committee has agreed on the wording of the Public Invitation and decided to publish it in the Official Gazette of Montenegro, on the website of the Parliament of Montenegro and in the printed media "Dnevne novine" and "Dan", in accordance with Article 34 of the Law.

P U B L I C   I N V I T A T I O N  to the  universities in Montenegro to submit proposals for the appointment of a member of the  RTCG Council 

The form of the proposal for the appointment of a member of the RTCG Council