Monday, 04 December 2017 14:15

Administrative Committee holds its 22th Meeting

The Committee has decided to initiate the procedure for dismissal of one member of the Council of the Agency for Electronic Media

At its 22nd Meeting held today, within the continuation of the procedure for the election of members of the Administrative Board of the Fund for Protection and Exercising of Minority Rights upon the Public Notice No 00-63-14/17-160 of 3 November 2017,  the Administrative Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro noted that the conditions for the election of members of the Administrative Board of the Fund for Protection and Exercising of Minority Rights were not met, because a number of authorised representatives failed to submit proposals for candidates within the prescribed deadline.

The Committee received proposals by the following authorised representatives: Croatian National Council - Mr Zvonimir Deković; Roma Council - Ms Ana Popović; Serb National Council - Mr Đorđe Brujić; Muslim Council of Montenegro - Mr Sabrija Vulić; and Ministry for Human and Minority Rights - Mr Valon Dasharami.

The Committee did not receive proposals by the following authorised representatives: Ministry of Culture for one member; Higher Education Council for one member; Bosniak Council in Montenegro for one member; National Council of Albanians in Montenegro for one member, and the Parliament of Montenegro, i.e. MP groups for three members.

Upon the Public Notice, from among the independent experts dealing with human and minority rights, the applications were submitted by the following: Mr Admir Adrović; Ms Sanja Rašović; Ms Neđeljka Sindik; and Ms Tamara Pešić.

Bearing in mind that the conditions for the election of members of the Administrative Board of the Fund for Protection and Exercising of Minority Rights were not met, the Committee decided to issue an urgent official letter for the submission of proposals for candidates for the election of members of the Administrative Board of the Fund, so that in one of the upcoming meetings the Proposal for the Decision could be determined and submitted to the Parliament for further action.

Within continuation of the procedure for appointment of candidates as one member of the State Election Commission, from among the representatives of the civil society, NGO sector and universities, the Committee did not determine the Proposal for the decision for appointment of one member of the State Election Commission. In the Fourth Re-issued Open Vacancy Notice No 00-63-14/17-132 of 14 September 2017, candidate Mr Vladimir Bošković did not obtain the necessary majority of votes of the Committee members present.

After learning about the Decision of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption, UPI 2-01-281/4 of 29 September 2017, which determined that Mr Darko Ivanović, a member of the Council of the Agency for Electronic Media, as a public official violated Articles 11 and 13 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption by exercising public office at the same time as the duty of the authorised representative of the company "Media Agency N-Gage" DOO Podgorica after the expiration of the statutory deadline, the Committee decided to initiate the procedure for the dismissal of Mr Darko Ivanović, member of the Council of the Agency for Electronic Media. In this regard, the Committee decided to invite member of the Agency for Electronic Media Mr Darko Ivanović to attend the next meeting to give a statement on the circumstances regarding the fact that he violated Articles 11 and 13 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption.

At the suggestion of the Vice President of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Branimir Gvozdenović, and in line with Article 6 of the Decision on special advisers in the Parliament of Montenegro, the Committee appointed Mr Nikola Divanović, Master of Strategic Management, as advisor to the Vice-President of the Parliament of Montenegro.

Within the item "Current issues", the Committee unanimously decided that, at the at its next meeting, it would determine the number of members and composition of the Commission for Monitoring and Control of the Privatisation Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro.