Monday, 10 December 2018 13:35

Administrative Committee holds its 55th Meeting

The Committee established two proposals for decisions

At today’s 55th meeting, the Administrative Committee of the 26th Parliament of Montenegro has established the:

- Proposal for the Decision on appointment of the President of the Insurance Supervision Agency Council, and decided to propose to the Parliament of Montenegro to appoint Mr Uroš Andrijašević as President of the Council of the Agency; and

- Proposal for the Decision on appointment of two members of the Commission for the Evaluation and decided to propose to the Parliament of Montenegro to elect Ms Mirjana Kuveljić and Mr Mirza Medunjanin as members of the Commission.

With regard to the Decision of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption on violation of the Law on Prevention of Corruption by Mr Goran Sekulović, member of the RTCG Council, due to his omission to submit the Report on income and property within statutory deadline, the Committee acted in accordance with its earlier position that when the APC finds that a public official has breached the Art. 23 and 24 of the Law on Prevention of Corruption, in all cases when a public official submits the report to the Agency subsequently, it will inform the Agency that it would take into account the said fact when re-electing the public official, being of opinion that an adequate measure will be an admonition or other disciplinary measure which can be pronounced by the governing body where the official performs his/her public duty.