Wednesday, 15 February 2017 17:18

Announcement by Chairperson of the Administrative Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Luigj Shkrela

The sitting of the First Extraordinary Session of the Parliament of Montenegro in 2017, held on 15 February 2017, considered the Report with the Proposal of the Administrative Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro No 00-75/17-1/2, EPA 92 XXVl, published on 14 February 2017 on the website of the Parliament of Montenegro and delivered to 81 MPs.

Administrative Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro of the 26th Convocation, at its meeting of 13 February 2017, in line with Article 58 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro, in relation to Article 86 of the Constitution of Montenegro and Article 247 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Procedure Code, considered the Request of the Special Public Prosecutor's Office No Kti-S.No.15/16 for granting approval for criminal proceedings and ordering detention against members of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Andrija Mandić and Mr Milan Knežević.

The Committee, under its jurisdiction, and by fully respecting the procedure, proposed to the Parliament to adopt the decision.

On 15 February, the Parliament of Montenegro adopted the Decision on lifting immunity and ordering detention, on the basis of the Proposal of the Administrative Committee No 00-75/17-1/2, EPA 92 XXVl, and the overall Montenegrin public was informed about that by the Chairperson of the Committee, in the capacity of rapporteur.

The entire decision-making process of the Parliament of Montenegro, upon the request of the Special Public Prosecutor's Office, was conducted in a legal manner, in full compliance with statutory regulations, and any other interpretation is the most brutal form of political manipulation.