Tuesday, 13 June 2017 13:44

Address by the Chairperson of the Administrative Committee

Address by Chairperson of the Administrative Committee Mr Luigj Shkrela, regarding the disruptive behaviour of the MPs of the Democratic Front during the Ninth Meeting of the Administrative Committee:

The Meeting of the Administrative Committee was marked by the use of offensive words and spoken threats by the present MPs of the Democratic Front towards the members of the Administrative Committee, Chief Special Prosecutor, and officials of the Democratic Party of Socialists.

Such conduct of the MPs of the DF is only a continuation of the DF pressures, which are constantly placed on the Parliament of Montenegro and other institutions, and thus they crossed from politics to the zone of anarchy. Their behaviour in the Parliament of Montenegro is a reflection of their politics.

When the MPs of the Democratic Front realised that they were equal with the citizens of Montenegro before the law, panic ensued among the officials of the DF. MPs of the DF Mr Andrija Mandić, Mr Branko Radulović, Mr Milan Knežević, Mr Predrag Bulatović, Mr Strahinja Bulajić, Mr Milutin Đukanović, and Mr Janko Vučinić spoke words which are below the line of elementary human dignity and civic education, especially with regard to a female MP, member of the Committee Ms Marta Šćepanović, myself, as well as other MPs.

Prior to determination of the agenda, MP Mr Andrija Mandić asked that the Request for Approval of the Special Public Prosecutor Kti-S 13/17 of 30 May 2017 not be included in the agenda of the meeting, but that it be returned to Mr Ivan Brajović, President of the Parliament, who would forward it to the Special Public Prosecutor so that it could be harmonised with the Constitution and the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro. When the proposal was not accepted, after a heated debate, there was deprecation and an attempt to disrupt the heading of the meeting, and to interrupt it at any cost.

The present MPs of the DF did not allow the reading of the Request, insisting that the Special Public Prosecutor come to the Parliament, and, as proposer of the act in the sense of Article 67 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament, to participate in the work of the meeting. When they received the explanation that the Request for Approval was not an act in the sense of Article 67 of the Rules of Procedure, they continued with deprecation and attempted to mislead the present representatives of the media and the laymen public that the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament were violated, by speaking aggressively and with the most derogatory words to the Chairperson.

After attempts by the MPs of the Democratic Party of Socialists to lead a constructive debate, which was constantly being hindered by inappropriate interrupting comments by the MPs of the DF, the Committee members unanimously decided to propose to the Parliament to give the approval that criminal proceedings can be initiated and detention ordered against Mr Nebojša Medojević, member of the Parliament of Montenegro, because of the reasonable suspicion that he committed a criminal offence – Creation of Criminal Organisation from Article 401a paragraph 1 with regard to paragraph 6 of the Criminal Code of Montenegro.

The discussion at the Committee meeting was whether to propose to the Parliament to lift the immunity of an MP, upon the Request for Approval of the Special Public Prosecutor, and not whether he was guilty or not for committing a criminal offence.

With continued threats and saying offensive words, MP Mr Andrija Mandić called for the Chief Special Prosecutor to attend the sitting of the Parliament where the procedure of decision-making will continue, after which the MPs of the DF left the meeting.

Owing to the exceptionally responsible relations of members of the Administrative Committee with regard to actions upon the Request for Approval of the Special Public Prosecutor, respecting the constitutional division of powers into legislative, executive and judicial branch, and respecting the state institutions, the Committee acted in accordance with Articles 49 and 58 paragraph 2 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro, and determined the Report with the proposal.

In the end, I am using this opportunity to warn the MPs of the Democratic Front that their obstruction of work of the Parliament, said threats and insults, which have become an integral part of their vocabulary in political activities, will not affect the legal work of the Administrative Committee, which will continue to work as usual in accordance with the Constitution, the law, and the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro.