Wednesday, 26 July 2017 15:44

Administrative Committee holds its Eleventh Meeting

The Committee determined the Proposal for a decision on appointment  of a member of the Council of the Insurance Supervision Agency

At today’s Eleventh Meeting, the Administrative Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro, following the procedure for appointing a member of the Council of the Insurance Supervision Agency and upon Public Invitation, decided to propose to the Parliament of Montenegro to appoint Mr Hamid Kujević as member of the Council of the Insurance Supervision Agency.

In line with the Proposal for election of a member of the Steering Committee of the  Fund for Protection and Exercising of Minority Rights, the Committee decided to inform the Collegium of President of the Parliament of Montenegro that -in accordance with Article 44a of the Law on Minority Rights and Freedoms - the Parliament of Montenegro is obliged to harmonise the Decision on establishing the Fund for Protection and Exercising of Minority Right, for the purpose of creating procedural assumptions that the Administrative Committee can - in accordance with the law - conduct the procedure and establish the Proposal of candidates for the election of members of the Steering Committee of the Fund for the Protection and Exercising  of Minority Rights.

Pursuant to articles 67 and 73 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament of Montenegro, Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Aleksandar Jovićević took part in the meeting.

Upon the proposal of Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Aleksandar Jovićević, the Committee appointed Ms Jelena Radonjić, Head of the Sector for Support to Legislative and Oversight Functions of the Parliament, as Assistant Secretary General. Ms Radonjić is a graduated jurist and she will assume office on 26 July 2017.

Also, upon the proposal of Secretary General of the Parliament of Montenegro Mr Aleksandar Jovićević, the Committee appointed Ms Nataša Komnenić, specialist of management, as Assistant Secretary General for the Sector for Research, Documentation and IT Network. She will assume office on 26 July 2017.