Thursday, 27 July 2017 13:45

Administrative Committee holds its Thirteenth Meeting

The Committee determined multiple proposals for decisions

At its Thirteenth Meeting held today, the Administrative Committee of the 26th Parliament of Montenegro, upon the proposal of the MP Group of Democratic Party of Socialists of Montenegro and the Social Democrats, has determined multiple proposals for decisions. In this regard, the Committee decided to propose to the Parliament of Montenegro to:
- to dismiss MP Mr Predrag Sekulić from his duty of a member and elect him as a chairperson of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget of the Parliament of Montenegro, and also to elect MP Mr Mićo Orlandić as a member of this Committee;
- to elect MP Mr Mićo Orlandić as a member of the Committee on Health, Labour and Social Welfare of the Parliament of Montenegro; and 
- to elect MP Mr Mićo Orlandić as a member of the Security and Defence Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro.