Thursday, 09 March 2017 13:50

Anti-corruption Committee holds two meetings

Performance Report of the Committee adopted and consultative hearing held

At its first meeting, the Committee adopted the 2016 Performance Report of the Anti-corruption Committee and the 2017 Work Plan of the Anti-corruption Committee.

At the second meeting, the Committee held the consutative hearing of the director of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption, on the subject of "Implementation of the Plan of control and supervision of the election of councilors in the Assembly of the Municipality of Nikšić, scheduled for 12 March 2017".

Director of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption stated the following: 

1. All political entities in the Assembly of the Municipality of Nikšić fully complied with the Law on Funding of Political Parties and Election Campaigns.

2. The Agency for Prevention of Corruption adopted the Plan of control and supervision of the election of councilors in the Assembly of the Municipality of Nikšić, in due time with the Calendar of Activities, as envisaged by the Law on Funding of Political Parties and Election Campaigns, and the Rulebook on the manner of execution of control of political entities and control and supervision during the election campaign.

3. With its proactive approach, the Agency made contact with all the authorities and informed them of their obligations regarding the implementation and respect of prohibitions and restrictions originating from the Law, and especially in relation to the social benefits of the authorities and recruitment during the election campaign.

After completion of the hearing, the Committee adopted the following conclusion:

1. Agency for Prevention of Corruption fully implemented the aforementioned Plan by controlling all local budgetary units and political entities participating in elections (Democratic Party of Socialists and the Social Democrats of Montenegro). In this regard, the Agency conducted the control by inspecting the documentation, that is by direct insight into business books, accounting and other documentation of a political entity and another person being the subject of the control (Electric Power Industry of Montenegro, Utility Company of Nikšić and Water Supply and Sewage Corporation).