Wednesday, 12 April 2017 15:40

Anti-corruption Committee holds its Fourth Meeting

The Committee supported the 2016 Performance Report of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption 

The Anti-corruption Committee, with majority of its members and authorised representatives of proposer Ms Goranka Vučinić, President of the Council of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption, and Mr Sreten Radonjić, Director of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption, in attendance, considered the 2016 Performance Report of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption.

Following the introductory explanation of the representatives of proposer and the debate held, the Committee unanimously supported the 2016 Performance Report of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption and decided to propose to the Parliament to accept the 2016 Performance Report of the Agency for Prevention of Corruption, in accordance with Article 162 paragraph 2 of the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament.