Thursday, 12 April 2018 15:06

Security and Defence Committee holds its 19th meeting

2017 Performance Report of the National Security Agency considered, along with the current security situation in Montenegro

2017 Performance Report of the National Security Agency has been considered at the today's meeting, with the participation of the Director of the Agency.

In the context of complex and multidimensional global threats and challenges, the Committee noted that the National Security Agency has continued to work in 2017 towards contributing to the preservation and enhancement of national, regional and collective security, and that threats arising from action of organised criminal groups have been prioritised, primarily those planning on committing serious crimes. The Committee endorsed the Report.

The Committee was also informed about the activities this Service had undertaken regarding the events in question.

The Committee insists on further strengthening the joint activities of all competent state authorities in order to improve the security situation in Montenegro and welcomes the effective and coordinated action of the competent services that happened after the session of the National Security Council and the conclusions and recommendations made.

The Committee believes that this action would stop criminals and organised criminal groups for our citizens to be safe and their property protected.